Oxy health care will deploy a full time nurse during school hours. Oxy will manage and run the sick bay at the school premises and also provide essential amenities and equipments to handle minor ailments and first aid for emergency situation.
School nurses address the health conditions that can prevent students from attending school or fully focusing in class. The connection between school nursing and students' learning is especially important in communities where students are at risk for health disparities that can detract from learning. School nurses play a vital role in:
1. Caring for individual students
2. Creating school-wide conditions for health.
School nurses increase student attendance and decrease early dismissals. Here's what school nurses do:
They identify threats to health in the school community (dogs, traffic, broken equipment and facilities, bullies, lack of clean water or hand soap) and work to eliminate those problems as a cause of ill health.
Parental Counselling sometimes covers alternative methods of discipline,and building respectful relationships with your children. Each family is unique, and each child reacts differently, so together, we work out which techniques work best for your family.
We Provide counsellings with Specailists based on your child health condition.
Oxy health care will send a team of doctors including, general physicians, dentists, ophthalmologists, and gynecologists (for female students) for checkups at the school premises. Oxy will also digitize these checkups records and provide reports to the parents.
Discounts at wide range hospitals:
We have empanelled a vast network of service providers for the Oxy health care network of health care eco system. Students can avail discounts of up to 20% on their hospitalization charges via online portal. We keep adding Hospitals to this list constantly.